The Nuts and Bolts of it - First Edition
Here is the first of what will be a weekly blog which will be uploaded Tuesdays at 11am (AEST) just on whats happening at Ebony Bolt's HQ, what I am learning, what went wrong and any interesting releases, ideas - blah blah blah you get the drift. The format will stay relatively similar each week, unless I change my mind (this may happen)
Firstly big news - we are dropping hair accessories today - can check them out right here
What went right this week: I had some great sales from some awesome customers....that I don't know!! This was very exciting as much as I love friends and family who are super supportive and always buy things off me - strangers that like my stuff well that is a different kinda cool.
What went wrong this week: Overload of info caused slight paralysis...I got into the trap of watching and reading and listening to too much marketing advice online, while there is sooo much great info online and for free (agh I am a sucker for free) I think I spent a bit too much time 'learning' and not enough time actually putting the advice into practice.
What I am reading this week: Glimpses of Utopia by Jess Scully. Im about half way through and so far blown away by the variety of interesting ways people go about bringing change and moving away from what is becoming more and more apparent to be an outmoded way of doing business and running countries.
What I have learnt this week: It was Naidoc week in Oz and its a yearly reminder or should I say kick in the pants to remind me that I know very little about our first nation I am making a point to do something proactive every week not just Naidoc week. This week I am starting to send my sales out with traditional land names added to the shipping label inspired by Rach Mac
What sustainable/ethical practice have I started: be honest right now it is a box of mouldy fruit and veggie scraps sitting on my dryer waiting to be dumped into my big compost bin out the back..I don't know why I thought I could do this without looking at one bit of mum had to tell me that I needed to add some worms in there to eat up all the trash, as I have a concrete backyard (concrete jungle where dream are made of though, thank you very much)...this was obvious to her...and only obvious to me after she explained it, my thumb is not even close to green.
What I am grateful for: Speaking of thumbs - I am very grateful my mum's operation to have part of her thumb removed went brilliantly - she is a absolute champ and was in and out of hospital in a few hours and hopefully they got rid of all the cancer sneakily hiding under her nail.
Quote of the week: Anything is possible just not everything (5am Club)
Song of the week: Reptilia by the Strokes
Ok till next we meet - have a great week